Running Scripts

All scripts that I upload and reference on my Hugo site will have an associated checksum file along with it. I have a BASH alias that will calculate and output checksums into a text file that matches the script but with an appended _checksum.txt. For example, the example script of, there exists a checksum file alongside it named script-example.sh_checksum.txt.

The four checksums calculated in this file are:

  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA512

Hopefully this should give enough for compatibility of automated systems (MD5 and SHA1) and for security (SHA256, SHA512). To ensure no scripts or checksums have been tampered with, please make sure to visit any pages with the https protocol.

All scripts that I will upload will live in the /scripts directory of my site. You can visit this page here and view all contents, including the checksums.